Day 12 - Co-Workers with Christ

Read 1 Corinthians 3:5-11

V. 5 What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to the Lord has assigned to each his task...

V. 9 For we are co-workers in God’s service...


It’s interesting that our focus topic today - we are co-workers with Christ - originated in a letter during a divisive time in the Corinthian church. I say interesting, because there is something to be said for how powerful it is when we realise we each have a God-given purpose in His Kingdom.

God brings us together, each gift and unique talent working in harmony with the next person, and collectively it contributes to the great work that God is accomplishing across the earth. It sounds big and grandiose, so perhaps it helps to step back a little and consider this from a birds-eye view, rather than the view of your immediate surroundings.

Think of the fruitful missions work of evangelism, church planting, and community initiatives, that we are part of when we exercise the gift of faith and generosity. Or consider the power of faithful prayer and intercession over many years, that results in breakthrough and healing and salvation. These are just two brief examples. I believe that as you read this today, the same that was said of Paul & Apollos could be said of you, “the Lord has assigned to each his task - for we are co-workers in God’s service.”

As we work together with Christ to see His purpose fulfilled, it breaks down barriers and brings people together. It’s actually very rewarding, and a great amount of fun!

As a final thought today, I would simply encourage you in your God-given purpose, with the words found in Colossians 3:17, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Challenge: Put It Into Practice

If you’d like to know more about discovering and exploring your own God-given purpose, please reach out as our team are happy to talk with you. We’d also encourage you to ask about our “Join the Team” initiative, which is a great way to begin serving in the life of our church.

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